Hosting a big event, and need a smooth and flawless Check-in process?

In my experience the best way to assure a flawless check-in is to eliminate the A-F line and provide a self-service experience; similar to that of an airline kiosk.

Walk up, provide the necessary information, get your badge and proceed to the next station which is likely badge assembly where you are greeted by a human, ribbons attached, questions answered, bag provided, etc...The WORST potential experience is making someone suffer through a line to be met with an automaton.

I'm also a big fan of having the materials pre-assembled into an easily distributed package, rather than having people running around collecting things from each 'pile' of materials...most of which get thrown away, anyway. 

Preparation & Organization before any event is Key!

I dislike checking lists it takes too much time! How will you be sure you can identify everything you need to know about someone quickly and easily as they are checking in. Are they a VIP? Do they have a balance due? Do they get a special gift or information package?

Use your registration process to get answers to questions needed a head of time. Giving out tee shirts? Ask their size during registration and hand them the appropriate size when they check in. This will eliminate the need to ask 3500 people the same question. Imagine - YOU: Can you tell me your tee shirt size? ATTENDEE: Can I see a large? No. Maybe an extra large? No that's too big. What about a medium? Oh just give me the large I'll give it to my husband. Yikes!
Swapping out a different size takes a lot less time then this conversation for 1000 attendees.

Make sure you have adequate staff so that if someone has a problem it does not hold up the rest of the attendees. Educate your staff so that they can answer questions without constantly checking with someone else. 

Let me know if there is a specific issue you are wrestling with.  I'll be sure to help you out.

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